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Five Important Beauty Tips For Women

Beauty Tips: Five Important Beauty Tips For Women

Beauty does not necessarily come from the usage of expensive cosmetics and skin treatments. You can use these easy to follow beauty tips and bring out your natural beauty with the help of these excellent beauty tips which will allow you to look stunning!

Get enough sleep:
8 hours of sleep every night is a must. The body needs this time period for the production and regeneration of many substances which cannot take place otherwise. Ample amount of sleep every night will also prevent the formation of dark circles or eye bags, which in some cases cannot be concealed even with the help of makeup. The key to looking fresh and healthy is as simple as getting a good night’s sleep.

Drink plenty of water:
For a healthy, glowing skin you must drink plenty of water. Drinking eight glasses of water daily can give you a perfect, flawless skin which will not require any artificial beauty enhancement.

How to get rid of a Mucocele

How to get rid of a Mucocele

Mucoceles are oral swellings that occur in the mouth or tiny sacs under the tongue. Main reason for Mucocele is salivary gland gets blocked and saliva is unable to flow smoothly.
Home Treatment For Mucocele:

Most of time, Mucocele will disappear by itself and you don’t have to do anything to treat it. But sometimes it last longer and cause very discomfort for eating normally and you may have to treat it or do something.

People usually opt for surgery to treat bad Mucocele but here are some tips that you can use to get rid of Mucocele and if problem still persist, consult your physician.
  • Apply some honey where Mucocele appears. It will give you some relief.
  • Take some salt and gargle with it couple times a day. People report Mucocele completely gone using salt.
  • Even using caster oil at night time helps.
  • Put some alum for 10 minutes and use mouth wash afterwards. Repeat this process couple of times.

Again, these are simple home remedy that you can try quick to remove any discomfort and Mucocele .

If you had Mucocele and used any natural treatment to get rid of it, please let our visitor know about it and post it here.

Home Remedies for Flatulence

Natural Home Remedy For Flatulence, Gas and Constipation

If you are experiencing flatulence it can be the result of many things. First and foremost it is a natural way for your body to relieve itself from any gases which are built up in your GI tract. If you drink certain things or eat certain foods it can create large gaseous build ups in your tract. When you body consumes food it takes from it the nutrients that it needs and then disposes of anything else. The toxins left are what come out once your body processes the food. When you pass these toxins you pass them in solid form or you pass them in gas form.

The biggest reason that you have flatulence is because of a problem associated with your GI tract and your digestive system. If your body is unable to properly digest the food you eat then you will get bloated during the body’s attempt at digestion and you will fart. If you are stressed, your flatulence will get worse because your body will be unable to properly digest its food.

In order to find the best home remedies for flatulence, you must first consider what you eat and drink and begin to reduce that. Again, the biggest cause of flatulence is digestion. When your body attempts to digest food, it will take from the food and drink you consume the nutrients you need for your body, such as vitamins and antioxidants, and then it will expel the rest. When your body expels the rests, it is getting rid of toxins. The toxins must come out of your body in one way or another otherwise they will make you very sick. If you consume foods such as legumes, beans, or fermented foods you will fart a lot. By reducing your intake of these you can reduce your levels of flatulence.

Makanan Berwarna Hitam Melindungi Tubuh dari Penyakit

Makanan-makanan berwarna hitam yang baik untuk kesehatan

Asupan makanan seimbang yang menyehatkan disarankan untuk memakan makanan berbagai warna. Tapi bagaimana dengan makanan yang berwarna hitam? Makanan berwarna hitam diakui sebagai makanan super karena tingginya kandungan antioksidan yang melindungi tubuh dari sejumlah penyakit, termasuk penyakit jantung dan kanker.

Umumnya makin kaya warna buah atau sayuran, makin besar dosis zat bergizinya untuk melawan kanker dan penyakit lainnya. Anda masih harus makan buah dan sayuran yang cerah seperti kentang ungu, delima merah, dan pepaya oranye, tetapi menambahkan makanan bewarna hitam bernutrisi juga dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan dengan cara yang tak terduga.

Makanan-makanan berwarna hitam yang baik untuk kesehatan seperti dilansir, Rabu (14/9/2011), antara lain;

Cek Matanya, Jika Prestasi Anak di Sekolah Menurun

Jika Prestasi Anak di Sekolah Menurun

Hampir sekitar 80 persen hal-hal yang dipelajari anak diperoleh melalui penglihatan, dan studi menunjukkan 70 persen dari 2 juta anak usia sekolah mengalami kesulitan membaca karena mengalami gangguan penglihatan seperti ocular motor, gangguan persepsi atau gangguan binocular.

"Jika seorang anak harus berjuang di sekolahnya ketika belajar, maka hal yang penting bagi orangtua adalah memperhatikan penglihatannya," jar Dr Joel Zaba, seorang peneliti dan dokter mata, seperti dikutip dari Medicinenet, Rabu (14/9/2011).

Dr Zaba menuturkan memang ada beberapa hal yang bisa membuat prestasi akademis anak di sekolah tidak baik, tapi adanya gangguan pada penglihatan bisa memberikan dampak yang besar bagi anak.

Great Laser Eye Surgery Links

For More Information, Start with These Sources:

The FDA's site on Laser Eye Surgery is a good starting point for learning more about laser eye surgery.
The Eye Surgery Education Council has one of the best most informative sites covering the ins and outs of laser eye surgery, with a strong emphasis on the popular Lasik procedure.
“The Complete Book of Laser Eye Surgery" by Stephen G., M.D. Slade, Richard N. Baker, Dorothy Brockman is also a comprehensive reference work to laser eye surgery and is available on Amazon.
"LASIK: A Guide to Laser Vision Correction" by Ernest Kornmehl also has good suggestions on picking a doctor, as well as other sections on the various aspects of this form of surgery.
MedLine Plus and Mayo Clinic are good, all-purpose net-based medical guides that have useful, informative entries on laser eye surgeries.

Preparing for Laser Eye Surgery

Okay. Let's say you've been referred to a great doctor. You've saved your money and/or picked a great payment plan. Now what? What can you expect? What will the actual procedure be like?

Weeks Before Surgery

Of course, before you have your surgery, you'll have your initial evaluation by your doctor to determine if you're a good candidate for laser eye surgery and to discuss your options. If you wear contacts, it's a good idea to stop wearing them a few weeks before you first go see your doctor. Contacts change the shape of your cornea, and your doctor will have to examine the shape of your cornea to come up with a good surgical plan. Wear your glasses instead in the weeks leading up to your first visit. Stop wearing soft contacts two weeks before your first visit, gas permeable lenses three weeks, and hard lenses four weeks. 
During the visit, be prepared to tell your doctor about your medical history and any allergies you may have. If you're not sure, look it up before you go so you'll have that information on hand and not waste more time. Your doctor will give you a thorough eye exam. She'll also discuss the risks and benefits of the surgery and which of the various corrective surgeries is best suited for your sort of problem. This is also your time to ask any questions you have. Make sure any questions you have are answered before surgery and before signing consent forms.

Picking a Doctor for Laser Eye Surgery

As we said before, they're your eyes so picking a good doctor is important. But how to do it? Although there's not doctor out there who is ever 100 percent perfect, there are a few things to keep in mind that can help you sort the wheat from the chaff.
Be wary of slick advertising. Don't be taken in by a great-looking brochure. A great deal of competition for laser eye surgery patients means a great deal of advertising: newspapers, radios, mailings, you name it. “No interest! No money down! Lowest prices ever!” (Are these your eyes, or a used Honda Civic they're talking about?) Of course, good doctors advertise, too, but an ad should not be your starting (or ending!) point in picking a place to have your procedure done. 
  • Be cautious of any doctor or eye center that makes loads of fabulous-sounding promises, without informing you adequately about the risks and drawbacks. “20/20 Vision... Guaranteed!” There are no guarantees in any surgical procedure. And a doctor who doesn't talk with you  about the risks and drawbacks isn't being upfront.
  • Get a referral. Your regular ophthalmologist, optometrist or even your general practitioner probably has the names of the best eye surgeons in your area. This is one of your greatest resources. Do not pass it up.

Is Laser Eye Surgery Right For Me?

The American Eye Surgery Education Council, a professional society of ophthalmologists, has developed a list of medically accepted criteria to determine the ideal, less-than-ideal and unsuitable candidates for laser eye surgery.
Here is a chart to help you understand if laser eye surgery is right for you:
Profile Characteristics
Ideal candidate
  • Is at least 18 years old
  • Is afflicted by one of the refractive errors (myopia, hyperobia, astigmatism or a combination). The ideal candidate has myopia up to -12 D, astigmatism up to 6 D and hyperopia up to +6 D
  • Has worn glasses or contacts for at least two years
  • In the case of Lasik, has a sufficiently thick cornea for the surgeon to cut a flap
  • Does not suffer from any disease or health condition which would prevent or significantly slow the healing process or complicate surgery
  • Is adequately informed about the risks of laser eye surgery.

Benefits and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery


According to the Mayo Clinic, about 85 percent of people who've undergone refractive surgery no longer need to depend on their glasses or contact lenses most of the time. People with a low grade of nearsightedness tend to have the most success, and people with a high degree of farsightedness along with astigmatism have the least predictable results. 
The results you get, of course, will depend on the nature and degree of your vision problems going into surgery and the quality of the work your doctor does.

Risks and Complications

We're all well-acquainted with the touted benefits of corrective surgery, but what about what the ads don't necessarily tell you? What are the risks associated with laser eye surgery? Any surgical procedure carries with it a certain amount of risk, and laser eye surgery is no different.
Some of the risks of undergoing such procedures include:

Types of Laser Eye Surgery

Meet Your Eyes

Before we take a look at laser eye surgery, let's take a good look at those eyes of yours.
One of the most important parts of your eye when it comes to your vision is the cornea. It's the part on the front that helps focus light to create an image on the retina on the back of the eye, which is then sent to and interpreted by the brain. The cornea works a bit like a lens on a camera, bending and focusing light to make a clear image.
The cornea—just like any other part of the human body—is not always perfectly shaped. When the cornea is misshaped, or has what's technically referred to as “refractive errors,” the image that you see will appear blurry or out-of-focus.
There are three types of refractive errors:
  • Myopia or near-sightedness in which distant objects are more out of focus than near objects
  • Hyperopia or far-sightedness, the opposite of myopia, in which near objects are more out of focus than distant objects
  • Astigmatism refers to any other distortion of the cornea, such as bends or warps, which cause imperfect vision.
  • A combination of hyperopia and astigmatism or a combination of myopia and astigmatism are not only possible, but very common.

Laser Eye Surgery Overview

Anyone who's ever worn glasses has dreamed of waking up to a perfectly clear view of the world--no contacts, no glasses necessary--just crystal clear vision. That's the dream, and the advertisements for laser eye surgery would have us believe that we can make it a reality (for a not-so-small a fee). But how realistic is this dream? Is it possible for someone with blurry, poor vision to wake up to 20/20 eyesight?
The Trusty Guide to Laser Eye Surgery examines the sometimes confusing world of laser eye surgery. After reading this guide, you’ll have a better idea of your options, what’s right for you, the risks, finding a doctor, and more. Here's a brief summary of the guide:
Question Answer
What are my options?
  • Lasik is the most common and involves cutting a hinged flap on the outer rim of your eye and then using a laser to reshape your cornea.
  • Lasek is similar to Lasik, only it involves cutting a much thinner piece of the cornea. It's a good option for people with thin corneas or who for one reason or another can't undergo Lasik.
  • PRK involves a thin layer of the surface of the cornea being taken away and slowly healing in the correct shape. It's older than Lasik, and is often an option for patients with low to moderate vision problems.
  • LTK is a relatively new procedure used to treat farsightedness and astigmatism. The heat of a laser beam is used to shrink and reshape the cornea.

Laser Eye Surgery Quiz

What part of the eye is corrected by laser eye surgery?

Optic Nerve
Cornea Correct Answer
Rods and Cones
How does LTK differ from other forms of laser eye surgery?

It is a "new age" laser eye surgery
It is the oldest form of laser eye surgery
It uses a "cold" laser
It uses heat to reshape the cornea Correct Answer

Around how much can you expect to pay for laser eye surgery?

Between $200 and $500 per eye
Between $500 and $1000 per eye
Between $1200 and $2600 per eye Correct Answer
Around $5000 per eye

What percent of people who undergo laser eye surgery find they no longer need glasses or contacts?

85% Correct Answer

Which of the following is a risk of laser eye surgery?

All of the above Correct Answer

Which surgical procedure delves deeper into the cornea?

Lasik Correct Answer

How long after surgery should you refrain from contact sports?
One week
Three weeks Correct Answer
Six weeks
Six months

What's one of the best ways of finding a good eye surgeon?

Look for the lowest price
Closest to your house
Yellow pages
Get a referral from a doctor you know Correct Answer
Get the Answers

5 Natural Ways to Cut Belly Fat

STOMACH distended often associated with multiple health problems. If you shrink the stomach sink instant way far from the truth because it is too expensive, there is a natural way.
Many people want to have a slender body, but rather a poor diet melakoni like digestion. Not only do diets make the body less fiber (25-35 grams recommendation / day), but we also stress, sleep deprivation, and lack of exercise.
Consider the five natural ways to cut fat from the abdomen, as reviewed Self.
Chew your food
Maybe we remember the message the mother to chew food slowly, between 20-30 times before finally swallowed food. According to David Grotto, a registered dietitian and author of 101 Optimal Life Foods, the more you chew, the less likely you are to swallow the gas. With the slow chew, you will give your body a chance to recognize when the stomach is already full.
Consume good bacteria

Drink 8 glasses a day recommendation Misleading?

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day is the advice that has long-gaungkan digaung. This custom is believed to help prevent kidney damage, weight loss and improve concentration.
But some health experts in Britain have recently warned that drinking eight glasses of water a day is the proverbial wrong and may even be harmful. They even dare to claim, the scientific claims behind this suggestion was "nonsense".
In England, the National Health Service (NHS) together with leading physicians and nutritionists have long advised people to drink about 1.2 liters of water per day to maintain health.
However, a recent report written in the British Medical Journal explains that the threat of dehydration is a 'myth' and said that so far there is no evidence behind the claim that drinking lots of water can prevent some health problems.
A doctor in Glasgow, Margaret McCartney, the journal said that the recommendation within the NHS website in order to drink six to eight glasses a day is not just a nonsense, but also embarrassing.
He added that the benefits of drinking lots of water is often exaggerated and carrying interest, for example, from bottled water companies.

7 Sports that Make Sexy

Do not underestimate the benefits of exercise to enhance sexual arousal know. Exercise done regularly will improve your mood, create more smoldering passion, and thus burn more calories so you are confident when showing off your body in front of the couple.
If the above reasons are still not making you intend to exercise, may be "sports section" worth a try because it can make you act more "hot" when in bed.
"Sports section will make us more attuned to the body with a sensual way, so we feel more accepting and interested in sex," said Marianne Brandon, PhD, clinical psychologist and sex therapist from the U.S..
Here is how to burn calories by way of "sexy":
1. Salsa Dance
Do not hesitate to go down to the dance floor and dance salsa. Performing salsa dance for 30 minutes is enough to burn 200 calories. Nothing wrong to invite couples to practice together. Sensual movements in this dance will certainly make you and your partner can not wait for night time.
2. "Pole dancing"
Dancing on the pole (pole dancing) is now not only for the erotic dancers. In the center-pole dance fitness center has been modified into one of the variants aerobics. Although his movements a bit erotic, actual movements in the pole dancing is very effective to strengthen muscles. Pole dancing is also often recommended Brandon to female patients who are experiencing decreased libido.

Hugs and Kisses More Important for Men?

It's no secret when men want sex more often, whereas women prefer to be stroked or cuddled. However, a recent study suggests that stereotypes may have changed.
The Adam was also needed caresses and kisses. Hugs and kisses, according to an international survey initiated by sociologists from the Kinsey Institute of Indiana University, even more important in determining the happiness of men than women.
The survey involved more than 1,000 couples in five countries, namely USA, Germany, Spain, Brazil, and Japan. Respondents who are involved are those aged between 40 and 70 years.
All couples who are the object of this research have been living together for at least a year at the time of the survey. However, the average of them had lived together for 25 years.
Research shows that the longer a relationship is established, the partner said the happy and enjoying their sex lives. But for the Eve, the longer bound in a relationship, they are increasingly able to enjoy better sex.

Child Impact of Sleep Deprivation

Children who often have difficulty in receiving lessons in school or concentrate his task is often misunderstood form of conduct disorder is difficult to concentrate or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).But actually if observed further, many children are difficult to concentrate due to lack of time your child rest or sleep. This is often not realized by the parents.Sleep disorders in children could prove to affect the entire family. School age children need at least 10-12 hours of sleep per day. Homework, sports, after-school activities, TV, computers, and video games and busy parents can contribute to the lack of sleep for children.A recent study has shown the impact of a child is sleep deprived. Among them are easily tired during the day, difficulty in concentration, irritability and frustration, and difficulty modulating impulses and emotions. Here is a wide range of effects caused by sleep-deprived child:
Sleeping in class. This is such a natural that if a child less sleep at night, as a result he would sleep in class the next day. This impacted on the loss of information provided by the teacher and may only listen half-heartedly. Children will not feel fresh and energetic.
Lack of concentration. Lack of sleep will cause fatigue in children and he can not focus well on subjects that are important.

About Living with Low Platelets

Platelets are the small cells in your body that stick to the wall of a blood vessel following injury. They clump together and prevent bleeding. If you have low platelets in your blood, or thrombocytopenia, your ability to form clots and stop bleeding may be impaired. Therefore, there are some things you should know about living with low platelets.
What Causes Low Platelets (Thrombocytopenia)?:
Thrombocytopenia may be caused by the effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy on your bone marrow. As you may already know, these therapies are unable to tell the difference between cancer cells and healthy cells. They can kill any cell, but especially target cells that reproduce quickly such as those in your bone marrow. Your treatment may unintentionally kill the cells in your marrow that are dedicated to producing platelets.
Another cause of thrombocytopenia may be the effect of your blood cancer itself on the marrow. If the marrow is invaded by cancer cells, the healthy cells may get “crowded out” by the cancer cells and this may affect the production of blood cells such as platelets.
Symptoms of Low Platelets:
If you have a low platelet count, here are some symptoms you may experience:
Easy bruising
Excessive bleeding following even minor injuries
Pain in your joints
Blood in the white parts of your eyes, or changes in vision
Blood in your urine, vomit, or bowel movements
Tiny little red spots on your skin called “petechiae”
Frequent nose bleeds
Bleeding gums
Managing of Low Platelets:
In the meantime, there are things you can do to avoid complications from low platelets:
Avoid medications that contain aspirin or blood thinners, unless your healthcare professional recommends otherwise. Ask your pharmacist if you are unsure
Use an electric razor to shave
Use extra care when using sharp objects such as knives or scissors
Avoid contact sports
Use an extra- soft toothbrush and do frequent mouth care
Avoid flossing when your platelet count gets very low
Blow your nose gently
Limit or avoid drinking alcohol
What to Do If Bleeding Starts:
Have a seat or lie down. Try to remain calm
Apply pressure to the wound if you can see it
Apply an ice pack to the site to slow the bleeding
If the wound is on an arm or leg, elevate the limb above the level of your heart
If you notice blood in your urine, keep drinking increased fluids and report to your doctor
If you notice blood in your vomit, take your antinausea and stomach antacids as directed by your doctor
If you are bleeding vaginally or having your period, do not use tampons. Keep track of how many sanitary pads you are using and note any clots
When to Call the Doctor:
It is important to call your healthcare provider if you have:
Headache, confusion or dizziness
Blood when you cough, or difficulty breathing
Bloody urine, vomit, or bowel movements
Vaginal bleeding after menopause OR unusually heavy vaginal bleeding
Treatment of Low Platelets
Usually, thrombocytopenia will resolve on its own once your bone marrow recovers from treatment and your cancer is in better control. Meanwhile, you may need to have transfusions of platelets to prevent complications from bleeding.
If this is the case, you can expect to receive the platelets through an infusion into your vein.
The Bottom Line:
Low platelets, or thrombocytopenia, are a common side effect of blood cancers and their treatment. As a result, you may experience frequent or excessive bleeding. It is important to do your best to avoid injury to prevent complications from occurring.

Cervical Cancer Information – Women Care

Women health issues have always been majorly emphasized and given importance and one of the most threatening health issues is cervical cancer. It is the third most common type of cancer in women posing as a health threat. This kind of cancer is mostly found in the women between the age group of 15 to 44 years. The statistics in UK read out a death of 1100 women every year due to cervical cancer. Though it is generally prevented in U.S due to regular pap smear tests. This implies that one should get educated about this subject and ensure awareness and knowledge about online healthcare products and regard their health as their responsibility to maintain a healthy body and healthy life.

Cervical cancer may be defined as the malignant growth in the cervical area. It is caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) which is transmitted through STDs and the pre-cancerous condition is known as dysplasia which can be detected by abnormal pap smear results. This can last for years and can lead to cancerous cervix cells. This disease is tagged as “common cold” of all STDs and affects more than 80% of all sexually active adults, posing greatest risk to women having multiple sexual partners.

This lethal disease needs awareness as it can be treated if it is detected early. Use of condoms can reduce but does not always prohibit the contraction of this disease. Likewise, skin to skin contact with infected areas can spread the HPV virus. The best preventive measure is to have regular screenings and have a healthy body and immune system to fight these infections. Tobacco consumption has carcinogens which are harmful and smoking doubles the risk of cervical cancer. Avoiding these may decrease the risk or persistence of this disease.

The symptoms of cervical cancer may be pain during intercourse, pelvic pain, frequent urination, vaginal bleeding or unexpected vaginal discharge etc. Although these symptoms do not imply presence of cervical cancer but mark its possibility. Cervical cancer may be detected by the regular cervical cancer screening tests. This pap smear test is not painful and involves sampling of cells from the cervix to examine it microscopically. Advent of new technology everyday helps in finding new ways of detecting abnormal pap smear in early stages.

abnormal pap smear treatment is the most effective when it is detected in early stages and it involves surgical procedures like removal of uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes, radiation or chemotherapy.

Preventing and Overcoming the Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes, but can make you nicknamed "The Eye Panda", also can make the face look old and tired and not fresh. How to prevent and overcome them?

The appearance of dark circles under the eyes can be caused by many things, including nasal congestion, lack of sleep, allergies, aging, hormonal changes associated with pregnancy or menstruation, vitamin deficiency, dehydration, too much smoking, liver dysfunction, medication side effects , too much exposure to ultraviolet light, or heredity.

So what should we do to prevent the appearance of dark circles?

1. Reduce consumption of coffee, soda, and beverages containing caffeine. Expand the water.
Soft drinks contain a synthetic sweetener that makes the eyes look around swell and the color is darker. Caffeine makes the body does not absorb water well and cause dehydration. As a result of dehydration, toxins do not completely wasted from the body and cause the color of skin, including around the eyes, darkening.

2. Reduce fast food.
Canned foods that contain preservatives and multiply the number of toxins that enter the body. These toxins which if not thrown out will pile up and darken the skin.

3. Expand to eat vegetables and fruit.
Nutrients contained in vegetables and fruits can help to expel toxins and reduce dark circles.

4. Sleep enough.
Make sure you do not sleep too late, at least six hours a day. If the dark circles appear frequently on your face, try to sleep with two pillows to make your head a little higher during sleep.

When a black circle appeared already, do not worry. There are several ways overcome, such as:

1. Compress with a tea bag that has been stored in the refrigerator
2. Compress with cucumber slices
3. Use beauty products that function eliminates dark circles around the eyes.

Recalcitrant Acne? Banish Wear Masks Sperm!

Skin smooth, beautiful, and free from acne and wrinkles is a dream of a beautiful woman devotee. What if stubborn acne?

A study showed that semen contains a high nutrient content, especially to get rid of acne and whiten the skin.

The results reported by Johnson and Everitt in his book Essential Reproduction reveals high nutrient content in semen and sperm to make its benefits is always interesting to study, one for beauty, such as treating acne and make young women.

As reported by healthmedicals, sperm mask method has been used since the time of Ancient Egypt. Besides being used to ward off acne, high nutrient content makes a lot of semen and sperm used to treat various diseases, such as diabetes and depression.

In theory, the use of masks is considered quite reasonable sperm because sperm contain several nutrients that are beneficial for skin care.

As reported by Netdoctor, semen and sperm contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and vitamin B12, which can help one look younger and beautiful.

In addition, the antioxidant content also ensures that the sperm free of free radicals causes dull skin and wrinkles. The content of the same could be found in acne products and anti aging treatments on the market early.

Dapatkan Tubuh Langsing, Tanpa Penderitaan

TIDAK PERLU MENDERITA. No pain, no gain. Pepatah ini sering Anda dengar saat sedang mulai berolahraga. Tapi ternyata hal ini tidak selalu benar. Untuk beberapa olahraga seperti berenang bersepeda dan mendayung, latihan konsisten dengan intensitas yang rendah dapat meningkatkan hasil olahraga Anda. Hasil penelitian di Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise menyatakan bahwa berbeda dengan berlari, 3 olahraga di atas membutuhkan beberapa gerakan tubuh yang tidak natural. Saat gerak sempurna sudah didapat, Anda dapat menggunakan energi yang lebih sedikit untuk mendapatkan hasil yang sama, ungkap peneliti utama Steve Ingham, Ph.D., dari English Institute of Sport, Loughborough University.

PANJAT DULU. Ingin berolahraga dan sekaligus meningkatkan adrenalin? Kenapa tidak mencoba panjat tebing. Selain melatih cardio, panjat tebing juga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan Anda akan sesuatu yang ekstrim. Demikian hasil penelitian yang dilansir dalam The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Seorang pemanjat wanita yang sering melakukan panjat tebing untuk rekreasi, dapat mencapai 90% denyut nadi puncak saat memanjat tebing yang mudah. Olahraga ini, sama intensitasnya seperti lari dan bersepeda, ungkap penulis Angelo Rodio, Ph.D.

HILANGKAN BE-TE. Berolahraga adalah salah satu cara terbaik untuk merubah mood Anda yang sedang terpuruk. Peneliti memastikan bahwa olahraga dapat melawan stress. Caranya dengan meningkatkan ritme detak jantung Anda dan mengurangi rasa tegang di otot. Demikian diungkapkan psikolog Jennifer Garth. Dengan 30 menit aerobik, rasa tegang di tubuh Anda akan berkurang, mengijinkan Anda untuk rileks, berpikir lebih jernih dan bisa frustasi. Olahraga menstimulasi otak mengeluarkan hormon endorphin, yang membuat Anda merasa lebih baik.

LINDUNGI LUTUTMU. Melakukan olahraga high-impact memang memiliki resiko tinggi terkena cidera lutut. Apalagi resiko mengalami cedera sendi lutut bagi wanita, jauh lebih besar di banding pria. Nah, karena itu, sebelum berolahraga jangan lupa lakukan pemanasan terlebih dulu. The Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance Program yang dikembangkan di California menunjukkan tingkat cidera sendi lutut setelah melakukan seri pemanasan ini, berkurang 1,7 kali. 

PINTAR DENGAN AEROBIK. Latihan kardio ternyata tidak hanya membuat Anda sehat, tapi juga pintar. Menurut British Journal of Sports Medicine, mereka yang rajin berlatih aerobik selama 6 bulan atau lebih, dapat melawan penurunan fungsi otak yang berhubungan dengan usia. Berlatihlah dengan intensitas sedang dan tinggi.

KEKUATAN MUSIK. Mendengarkan musil saat berolahraga memang dapat meningkatkan semangat Anda. Tapi ternyata ada beberapa jenis musik yang memiliki efek lebih dari musik lainnya. Dalam suatu penelitian yang dilansir dalam Journal of Sport & Exercise, peserta yang diinstruksikan untuk mengikuti irama dari lagu Madonna, Queen dan Red Hot Chili Peppers, daya tahan tubuhnya naik hingga 15%. Demikian juga dengan suasana hati mereka. Ayo pilih lagu favorit Anda...

Redakan Keluhan dengan Latihan

SEDIKIT keluhan kesehatan sebenarnya bukan alasan tepat untuk mangkir olahraga. Asal tahu triknya, latihan bahkan bisa membuat keluhan Anda sirna.

Tak diragukan lagi, untuk menjaga kesehatan, setiap orang perlu olahraga. Ini juga berlaku untuk Anda yang punya masalah kesehatan. Yang penting, pilih jenis latihan dan cara berlatih yang tepat. Karena itu, berkonsultasilah lebih dulu dengan dokter dan berlatihlah di bawah arahan instruktur berpengalaman. Latihan pun tak jadi masalah lagi.

Gangguan lutut
Ada beberapa penyebab nyeri lutut, misalnya cedera berulang pada otot sekitar lutut, kelebihan berat badan, atau keseleo. Anda bisa mencoba penanganan dasar seperti kompres, istirahat, atau obat, untuk meredakan keluhan ringan. Nah, bila masalah lutut masih ada namun tidak parah, coba lakukan latihan ini:
Latihan penguatan otot untuk membuat kaki lentur dan menyeimbangkan sendi pinggul dan lutut. Misalnya, leg extension (tanpa alat). Caranya : duduk tegak, angkat kaki 900, tahan sebentar, turunkan. Lakukan 5-10 kali.
Latihan yang berupa rangkaian untuk meningkatkan kemampuan gerak sendi dan otot. Coba yoga untuk pemula atau tai-chi.
Latihan aerobik low-impact untuk membantu menstabilkan dan menyokong sendi. Misalnya sepeda stasioner tanpa beban, jalan kaki, berenang, dan olahraga di air. Hindari latihan high-impact seperti lari, tenis, atau squash.
Hindari menggunakan obat pereda nyeri saat latihan. Dikhawatirkan hal ini membuat Anda tak merasa sakit dan malah memberi beban berlebihan pada lutut.

Nyeri Punggung Bawah (Low Back Pain)
Mereka yang mengalami nyeri punggung berat, sering mengalami serangan mendadak nyeri punggung, nyeri akibat retak tulang belakang atau syaraf terjepit tidak dianjurkan melakukan latihan. Namun, pada kondisi nyeri yang tak terlalu berat, latihan yang tepat akan meringankan nyeri. Ini tipnya:
Latihan berupa pengulangan yang meliputi otot bagian depan dan belakang. Latihan ini akan meningkatkan kelenturan, ketahanan tubuh, dan menguatkan kelompok otot yang dibutuhkan untuk menopang tulang belakang. Coba sit-up dan back-up.
Latihan aerobik low-impact, seperti jalan kaki, berenang, dan sepeda stasioner tanpa beban. Ini dapat memperkuat otot perut dan otot punggung tanpa memberi beban berlebihan pada punggung.
Coba lumbar extension strength training. Contoh gerakannya : berbaring telungkup, tangan ditekuk di bawah dagu. Angkat kaki kiri dan kanan bergantian (5-10 hitungan). Lalu angkat tubuh bagian depan (back up). Setelah itu angkat tangan kanan dan kaki kiri bersamaan (seperti superman terbang), lakukan pula sebaliknya. Selain untuk otot perut, jenis latihan ini juga meningkatkan kelenturan area pinggul dan paha belakang.
Latihan yoga, tai-chi, chi-kung, atau pilates. Karena ada unsur meditasi, maka bermanfaat memusatkan pikiran untuk mencapai keseimbangan fisik dan mental yang dapat mencegah nyeri tulang belakang.

Banyak penyandang asma yang bisa melakukan latihan karena asmanya terkendali. Apalagi latihan secara teratur terbukti mengurangi angka kekambuhan asma. Tip latihan untuk Anda:
Bila asma Anda terkendali dengan baik, sebenarnya program latihan akan mirip-mirip saja dengan program latihan orang tanpa asma. Namun, pada mereka yang jadi asma justru saat latihan, sebaiknya lebih hati-hati mematok intensitas latihan.
Mulailah latihan dengan perlahan dan tidak memaksakan diri. Seperti jalan kaki ringan atau berenang. Usahakan teratur agar dapat meningkatkan intensitas latihan.
Lakukan pemanasan dan pendinginan. Ini penting karena bermanfaat mencegah gejala asma tiba-tiba muncul.
Bila Anda sulit bernapas selama latihan, turunkan sedikit intensitas Anda.
Pilih latihan yang hanya membutuhkan gerakan aktif dalam jangka waktu pendek-pendek seperti voli atau baseball. Sebaliknya, hindari dulu latihan yang mengharuskan terus-menerus aktif seperti futsal, lari jarak jauh, atau basket.
Latihan dalam ruang bisa, misalnya jalan kaki di treadmill, jadi pilihan bila asma Anda sering tercetus saat berada di luar ruang yang berdebu.
Latihan chi kung dan yoga yang berirama membuat dada mengembang, melatih kontraksi otot-otot pernapasan, dan mengandung teknik meditasi. Hal ini bermanfaat mengurangi kecemasan (salah satu faktor pemicu asma), menurunkan kebutuhan akan obat asma, dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh saat terjadi serangan asma.

Tekanan darah rendah
Biasanya pemicunya karena postur tubuh mengalami perubahan tiba-tiba. Ada beberapa hal yang bisa Anda lakukan saat berlatih:
Lakukan pemanasan lebih lama.
Hindari melakukan gerakan yang menempatkan posisi kepala di bawah jantung. Misalnya pada latihan beban (bench press, bent-over rows, atau reverse flies), latihan pengencangan (sit-up), senam aerobic dance, atau pose-pose tertentu dalam yoga. Saat kepala terangkat dari posisi tersebut, bisa jadi sirkulasi darah tak cukup kuat untuk mengirim darah ke otak, sehingga untuk sesaat Anda merasa pusing.
Rasa pusing juga bisa menyerang bila Anda tiba-tiba berhenti setelah melakukan gerakan yang banyak bertumpu pada kekuatan kaki, seperti squat, lunge, elliptical machine, atau treadmill. Hal ini terjadi karena darah terpusat di kaki dan tubuh perlu peregangan otot kaki untuk memompa darah kembali ke kepala. Perlahan-lahan, turunkan intensitasnya.
Untuk meningkatkan sirkulasi, lakukan gerakan memompa kaki dan pergelangan kaki beberapa kali sebelum berdiri. Lalu lakukan perlahan.
Bila rasa pusing masih terjadi juga, duduk diam atau berbaring tanpa bantal. Atau dalam posisi berdiri, silangkan kedua kaki Anda dan tekan.

Penting diingat
Lakukan latihan dengan baik, benar, teratur, dan terukur. Ini diperlukan agar latihan memberi efek positif pada kondisi tubuh.
Selalu lakukan pemanasan, peregangan, dan pendinginan yang cukup saat latihan, apapun jenis latihan Anda.
Hindari melakukan latihan bila keluhan Anda tengah kambuh atau parah.
Hindari melakukan gerakan yang menimbulkan nyeri pada bagian tubuh yang tengah bermasalah. Berhenti dahulu atau lakukan semampu Anda.
Akan lebih baik bila Anda berkonsultasi pada spesialis kedokteran olahraga untuk program latihan yang tepat.

Lawan Stres dan Jadilah Lebih Langsing - Tiga Langkah Mudah

TIDAK hanya mempengaruhi psikis, stres juga berpengaruh langsung pada fisik. Salah satu bagian tubuh yang bisa terkena dampaknya adalah kulit. Timbul jerawat, kemerahan, dan kering. Sebelum stres lebih jauh mengganggu hidup Anda, lakukan hal berikut ini:

Pijat per­lahan kepala Anda se­lama 2 menit saat keramas. Taruh tangan di puncak kepala. Kemudian, pijat kulit kepala dengan menggerakkan tangan menuju kepala bagian bawah. Sirkulasi darah pun akan lancar.

Taruh ibu jari di antara alis. Kemudian, tekan perlahan selama 30 detik sambil bernapas dalam-dalam. Pemijatan pada titik ini diyakini ilmu kedokteran Cina bisa menenangkan pikiran.

Sebelum ti­dur, oleskan body lotion beraroma lavender sam­bil pijat perlahan tubuh An­da dengan arah me­ling­kar. Aroma lavender akan me­­re­laks­kan saraf Anda, se­­hing­ga Anda bisa tidur nyenyak. Kulit pun terjaga ke­lem­bab­annya sepanjang malam.

Melawan Obesitas dengan Sayuran

KALAU Anda termasuk orang yang tidak anti sayuran, bersyukurlah! Berbagai penelitian membuktikan bahwa sayuran mengandung senyawa ampuh yang dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, melindungi Anda dari penyakit dan ’memerangi’ kegemukan. Lebih jauh lagi, phytochemicals, zat yang hanya dapat ditemui pada sayur dan buah, ampuh menurunkankan risiko penyakit kronis dan kanker.

Kebiasaan makan sayur memang tidak datang secara alamiah pada setiap orang. Apalagi, seperti diungkap dr. Leane Manurung, MSc, dokter ahli gizi, rasa asli sayuran memang tidak seenak daging, "Kalau tidak dimasak dengan bumbu atau saus yang enak, rasa sayur memang kurang menggiurkan," ungkapnya. Selain itu, banyak orang yang tidak suka makan sayur karena hal itu tidak dibiasakan sedari kecil. "Kebanyakan anak yang tidak suka makan sayur adalah yang ibunya bekerja atau tidak telaten ’meladeni’ anaknya," ujar Leane. Para peneliti dari National Cancer Institute, AS, bahkan menemukan bahwa hanya 20% anak-anak yang makan buah dan sayur dalam porsi cukup setiap harinya. Dan 25% dari jenis sayur yang dimakan oleh mereka adalah french fries Jika Anda termasuk orang yang malas atau bahkan kurang suka makan sayur, mungkin sedikit siasat ini bisa membantu Anda untuk memenuhi kebutuhan asupan sayuran setiap harinya. Tak ada salahnya, kan, mencoba!

Temukan yang Anda suka
Untung kita tinggal di negeri tropis yang kaya akan aneka tumbuhan. Ya, Anda dengan mudah dapat menemukan jenis sayuran yang disukai. Untuk mendapatkannya Anda perlu membangkitkan rasa penasaran dan jiwa petualang Anda. Dan yang paling penting adalah kemauan untuk bereksperimen. Termasuk bereksperimen akan metode pengolahannya. Sebab sayuran yang diolah dengan cara direbus, ditumis, dimasak dengan microwave atau dimakan mentah akan memberikan rasa dan tekstur yang berbeda. Cara mengolah yang benar tetap harus diperhatikan. Misalnya, sayur harus dimasak dalam waktu cepat, seperti yang kerap Anda lihat di restoran-restoran Chinese Food. "Jika dimasak dengan cepat, warna sayur akan tetap hijau. Lagipula bila terlalu lama, kandungan vitamin dan mineralnya akan berkurang," jelas Leane.

Salad atau Gado-gado
Anda bisa memasukkan sayur apapun yang Anda suka ke dalam salad, seperti selada, tomat, bit, jagung, paprika, wortel, bawang bombay dan lainnya. Selain sayur,

Mengapa perlu makan sayur?
Ada tiga proses yang terjadi di dalam tubuh, yaitu pembakaran (tenaga), pembangunan (pertumbuhan) dan pengaturan. Untuk mendapatkan tenaga, tubuh memerlukan hidrat arang, lemak dan protein. Sedangkan untuk tumbuh dan berkembang diperlukan protein dan air. Dan untuk mengatur supaya semua proses ini terjadi harus ada vitamin dan mineral yang didapat dari sayur dan buah. "Itulah mengapa sayur sangat penting bagi tubuh, karena ada zat-zat tertentu yang hanya bisa diperoleh lewat sayur. Pada daging juga terdapat vitamin dan mineral, namun jumlahnya hanya sedikit," ujar Leane.

Makan banyak sayuran dan buah-buahan juga merupakan cara ideal untuk menurunkan berat badan secara natural. Selain rendah kalori dan rendah lemak, serat dalam sayuran bisa mengenyangkan perut. Sayuran juga membuat kerja peristaltik usus lebih baik, sehingga memudahkan buang air besar.

Sajikan dengan menarik
Cara penyajian dan pengolahan yang menarik dapat membantu Anda menyingkirkan rasa enggan makan sayur. Tidak perlu mengkonsumsi sayur secara mentah-mentah atau menaruh setumpuk sayuran utuh di dalam piring makan Anda. Agar lebih nikmat cobalah dimasak menjadi sup, pizza, pastel atau lasagna. Dengan memotongnya menjadi ukuran yang lebih kecil atau dicampur dengan bahan makanan lain, sayur tersebut akan lebih enak dilihat. Lagipula saat makan sup, Anda tidak akan merasakan rasa dan aroma dari masing-masing sayur. Atau seperti dalam pastel atau lasagna, Anda tak perlu melihat langsung sayuran karena tertutup adonan yang membalutnya.

Boleh ditambah buah
Banyak kandungan nutrisi yang ada di dalam sayur juga terdapat pada buah. Sehingga bisa saja Anda menggan-tikan kekurangan nutrisi dari sayuran ini dengan buah-buahan. Tapi bukan berarti menghindari sayur-sayuran sama sekali. Ada nutrisi-nutrisi dan senyawa dalam sayuran yang tidak dapat dengan mudah didapatkan di tempat lain. "Buah lebih banyak mengandung vitamin, tapi kurang serat dan mineral," ujar Leane. Namun bisa saja Anda mengkombinasikan buah dengan sayuran. Minum segelas jus di pagi hari dan segelas lagi di siang atau sore hari bisa menjadi usaha yang lumayan. Tapi karena sejumlah serat hilang dalam proses pengolahan jus, maka bukan ide yang baik Jika hanya mengandalkan jus semata. Dan jangan lupa, perhatikan juga variasi jenis dan warna buah yang akan Anda makan. Masing-masing jenis dan warna memiliki kelebihan sendiri-sendiri.
sumber :

Kenali Musuh di Balik Makanan Favorit Anda (Dan Cara Mengatasinya)

ANDA tentunya punya makanan favorit. Sadarkah Anda bahwa pada umumnya makanan yang Anda sukai adalah makanan yang dianggap tidak baik untuk kesehatan? Agar dapat memperoleh manfaat tanpa terkena efek buruknya, Anda mesti pandai menyiasatinya.

Sisi baik : Saus pizza mengandung banyak likopen, yaitu sejenis karotenoid yang ditemukan berkadar tinggi di pembuluh darah dan prostat pria dengan risiko kanker prostat yang rendah. Taburan keju di atasnya memberikan asupan kalsium yang cukup untuk membantu tulang yang kuat, menurunkan tekanan darah, dan menghambat kanker usus besar.
Sisi buruk: Kandungan kalori pizza terhitung cukup besar. Sebuah pizza ukuran supreme mengandung kurang lebih 2000 kalori dan 60 gram lemak jenuh.
Saran: Sebaiknya Anda membatasi pengkonsumsiannya dengan menyantap dua potong pizza vegetarian tipis yang hanya mengandung 300 kalori dan 2,5 gram lemak jenuh.

Sisi baik: Cokelat, terutama dark chocolate, mengandung banyak flavonoid, yaitu antioksidan yang melindungi jantung dengan mencegah terjadinya penggumpalan di pembuluh darah. Cokelat susu sebenarnya juga bagus (cokelat dalam kemasan seberat 47 gram mengandung antioksidan sebanyak 155 gram anggur merah).
Sisi buruk: Banyak mengkonsumsi cokelat akan membuat ukuran pinggang Anda semakin melebar. Cokelat ukuran 50 gram mengandung 250 kalori yang sudah memenuhi 10% lebih dari kebutuhan kalori wanita dalam sehari.
Saran: Kalau Anda ingin menyantap cokelat setiap hari, konsumsilah hanya sejumlah 100 kalori. Cobalah dalam kemasan kecil. Kalau tiap bungkusnya mengandung 50 kalori, Anda bisa makan dua

Sisi baik: Selama pilihan Anda tepat, Anda akan mendapat asupan kalsium yang cukup banyak untuk menguatkan tulang dan membantu menurunkan tekanan darah Anda.
Sisi buruk: Es krim memiliki kandungan lemak dan kalori yang tinggi.
Saran: Sebaiknya pilih yang mengandung 15% dari kebutuhan kalsium harian yang terdapat dalam setengah cup. Dengan demikian, kalau menyantap dya kali porsinya (satu cup), Anda akan mendapat cukup banyak asupan kalsium tanpa kandungan lemak yang terlalu besar.

Sisi baik: Keju, kecuali jenis bebas lemak, mengandung sejenis lemak yang disebut conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), yang dapat melawan kanker payudara. Dan kalsium pekat yang terkandung di dalam keju (kalsium dalam 47 gram keju cheddar setara dengan 300 gram atau satu gelas susu) sangat bermanfaat bagi tulang. Selain itu, mengkonsumsi keju yang teksturnya keras setelah makan bisa melindungi gigi Anda.
Sisi buruk: Mengandung lemak yang tinggi.
Saran: Untuk mengurangi asupan lemaknya, batasi pengkonsumsian keju hanya 47 gram sehari

Sisi baik: Beberapa penelitian menghubungkan kacang dengan menurunnya risiko penyakit jantung dan hidup yang lebih panjang. Meskipun sumber ’kesaktian’ kacang belum diketahui secara pasti, para peneliti menduga kandungan lemak tak jenuh tunggal, magnesium, tembaga, folat, protein, serat, dan vitamin E di daiamnya memiliki peran besar dalam hal tersebut.
Sisi buruk: Makan banyak kacang bisa meningkatkan berat badan.
Saran: Untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya tanpa membuat bobot Anda naik, coba konsumsi dua sampai lima porsi (satu porsi=satu genggam) seminggu. Lebih baik hindari kacang yang digoreng. Cobalah konsumsi kacang panggang

Sisi baik: Daging sapi adalah makanan yang sangat banyak mengandung zat besi, mineral perkunci yang membantu sistem pertahanan tubuh untuk melawan musuh, dari virus sampai kanker. Mendapat asupan zat besi yang cukup juga akan mempengaruhi nafsu makan, selera, dan penglihatan di malam hari.
Sisi buruk: Meningkatkan berat badan dan kolesterol darah.
Saran: Sebaiknya Anda membatasi asupannya hanya 93 gram (seukuran mouse komputer atau tern-pat sabun) sehari. Sebaiknya pilihlah yang tidak mengandung banyak lemak.
sumber :

5 Tes yang Harus Anda Lakukan Sebelum Menjalankan Diet

MENJALANKAN diet bukanlah sekedar membatasi makanan tertentu. Kesehatan Anda secara keseluruhan juga harus diperhatikan. Beberapa tes perlu Anda lalui untuk mengetahui apakah Anda boleh melakukan diet atau tidak.

Anda mungkin sudah mengenal berbagai cara berdiet. Bahkan, Anda barangkali pernah juga mencobanya. Gagal atau berhasilkah? Melakukan diet apapun, demi tujuan Anda (melangsingkan, kesehatan, atau keyakinan, memang tidak ada salahnya. Yang penting, kesehatan Anda tidak terganggu. Karena itu, sebelum melakukan diet, Sebaiknya Anda berkonsultasi ke spesialis gizi terlebih dahulu. Ada beberapa tes yang dapat Anda jalani untuk keperluan tersebut. Tes ini juga dibutuhkan oleh Anda yang sekarang sedang melakukan pola diet tertentu. Hasil tes ini akan menunjukkan kondisi kesehatan Anda, apakah Anda kelebihan atau kekurangan zat gizi tertentu. Dengan demikian, dapat ditentukan apakah Anda dapat menjalankan, meneruskan, mengganti, atau bahkan, menghentikan diet Anda.

Pemeriksaan lipid (lemak)
Deteksi risiko penyakit jantung
Mengapa diperlukan: Tekanan darah tinggi, kolesterol tinggi, kurang gerak, gizi buruk, obesitas, dan diabetes merupakan faktor-faktor risiko untuk penyakit jantung. Sindroma yoyo (berat badan yang naik turun) dapat menurunkan kadar HDL (kolesterol ’baik’), sehingga meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung. Pemeriksaan lipid ini akan mengukur kadar HDL, LDL (kolesterol ’jahat’), dan trigliserida. Menurut Institut Nasional Jantung, Paru, dan Darah Amerika Serikat, dalam setiap desiliter darah, kadar LDL seharusnya kurang dari 130 mg, kadar HDL lebih dari 55 mg, dan trigliserida tidak lebih dari 250 mg.

Pemeriksaan hemoglobin terglikosiasi (HbA1c)
Deteksi diabetes tipe 2
Mengapa diperlukan: Menurut Institut Nasional Diabetes dan Penyakit Pencernaan & Ginjal Amerika Serikat, kira-kira 5,4 juta orang tidak mengetahui bahwa mereka mengidap diabetes. Pemeriksaan ini diperlukan bila tekanan darah Anda 40/90 atau lebih, berat badan Anda 20% melebihi berat badan ideal Anda, indeks massa tubuh Anda 27 atau lebih, atau Anda berusia 45 tahun atau lebih. Menurut para pakar di bidang gizi, mereka lebih rnenyarankan dilakukannya pemeriksaan hemoglobin ini daripada pemeriksaan glukosa darah puasa, karena lebih menggambarkan kadar gula darah. Dengan demikian, akan mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya hasil yang tidak akurat.

Pemeriksaan fungsi timid
Deteksi disfungsi tiroid
Mengapa diperlukan: Terutama diperlukan untuk mereka yang ingin meningkatkan berat badan. Keletihan, pertambahan berat badan, dan nyeri otot menandakan terjadinya hipotiroidisme (penurunan fungsi tiroid). Sedangkan penurunan berat badan jantung berdebar-debar, dan kecemasan menunjukkan adanya hipertiroidisme (peningkatan fungsi tiroid). Pemeriksaan yang harus dilakukan setiap tahun (atau setiap tiga bulan bila Anda mengalami gejala-gejala tertentu) ini akan mengukur kadar hormon perangsang tiroid, tiroksin, dan triiodotironin. Perubahan kadar salah satu dari ketiganya menandakan adanya suatu masalah. Setelah hipotiroidisme diatasi berat badan memang akan berkurang dengan mudah. Namun, kelebihan berat badan tidak selalu merupakan hasil ketidakseimbangan hormonal.

Pemeriksaan fungsi ginjal
Deteksi ureum dan kreatinin darah
Mengapa diperlukan: Pemeriksaan ini dapat mengukur adanya penurunan fungsi ginjal dimana terdapat peningkatan kadar ureum dan kreatinin dalam darah. Bila ini terjadi, ada baiknya Anda membatasi asupan protein, agar tidak memperberat kerja ginjal. Deteksi kadar asam urat darah
Mengapa diperlukan: Diet rendah kalori biasanya akan meningkatkan kadar asam urat dalam darah. Kadar yang memang sudah tinggi sebelumnya dapat bertambah tinggi, bila Anda menjalankan diet ini. Kadar asam urat yang tinggi dapat menimbulkan penyakit gout dan batu ginjal
sumber :

Fakta Luar Biasa di Balik Susu, Tomat, Lemak, dan Madu

SETIAP bahan makanan memiliki kandungan spesifik yang dapat membantu Anda mengejar impian Anda untuk mendapatkan tubuh langsing yang ideal. Kenalilah keunggulan dari empat bahan makanan dan nutrisi berikut supaya Anda bisa mendapatkan keuntungan maksimal darinya.

PERLINDUNGAN LEBIH UNTUK TULANG. Sebuah penelitian di University of Granada, Spanyol, menemukan bahwa susu kambing, atau keju yang terbuat dari susu kambing, dapat membantu tubuh menyerap zat besi, kalsium, fosfor, dan magnesium lebih baik dibanding susu sapi. Selain memberi perlindungan yang lebih pada tulang, susu kambing juga efektif mencegah anemia.

TOMAT UNGU KAYA ANTIOKSIDAN. Tomat jenis baru ini mengandung banyak pigmen anthocyanin, jenis antioksidan yang juga ditemukan pada berbagai jenis berry berwarna gelap, seperti blackberry dan cranberry. Berwarna ungu karena merupakan hasil penyilangan dengan gen bunga snapdragon atau Antirrhinum majus. Tomat ini dikembangkan oleh para ahli dari John Innes Centre, Norwich, Inggris, karena dianggap lebih populer dan lebih banyak dikonsumsi dibanding buah berry.

LEBIH SEHAT BERKAT LEMAK. Makanan rendah lemak tak selalu baik untuk Anda. Hal ini dibuktikan lewat sebuah penelitian yang dilansir dalam The New England Journal of Medicine. Dikatakan bahwa mereka yang rutin mengonsumsi makanan yang kaya akan lemak tak jenuh ternyata lebih sehat dan lebih langsing dibandingkan mereka yang rutin mengonsumsi makanan rendah lemak. Penuhi sumber lemak tak jenuh Anda dari makanan seperti ikan, kacang-kacangan, dan minyak zaitun.

MADU YANG MENYEMBUHKAN. Prof. Dr. Thomas Henle dari Institut Kimia Pangan, Universitas Dresden, Jerman berhasil mengidentifikasi kandungan aktif antibakteri dalam madu manuka. Madu yang berasal dari bunga manuka yang hanya tumbuh di Selandia Baru ini, diketahui mengandung metilglioksal pangan (MGO), senyawa yang terbukti memiliki kekuatan antibiotik alami yang efektif membunuh bakteri patogen penyebab penyakit. MGO juga ditemukan pada produk olahan susu, produk fermentasi, dan kopi yang disangrai. Namun, kandungan tertinggi ada pada madu manuka, yaitu 100-900 mg/kg. 
(Sumber: Majalah Fit No. 1/XIII/Januari/2009)