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5 Natural Ways to Cut Belly Fat

STOMACH distended often associated with multiple health problems. If you shrink the stomach sink instant way far from the truth because it is too expensive, there is a natural way.
Many people want to have a slender body, but rather a poor diet melakoni like digestion. Not only do diets make the body less fiber (25-35 grams recommendation / day), but we also stress, sleep deprivation, and lack of exercise.
Consider the five natural ways to cut fat from the abdomen, as reviewed Self.
Chew your food
Maybe we remember the message the mother to chew food slowly, between 20-30 times before finally swallowed food. According to David Grotto, a registered dietitian and author of 101 Optimal Life Foods, the more you chew, the less likely you are to swallow the gas. With the slow chew, you will give your body a chance to recognize when the stomach is already full.
Consume good bacteria

Drink 8 glasses a day recommendation Misleading?

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day is the advice that has long-gaungkan digaung. This custom is believed to help prevent kidney damage, weight loss and improve concentration.
But some health experts in Britain have recently warned that drinking eight glasses of water a day is the proverbial wrong and may even be harmful. They even dare to claim, the scientific claims behind this suggestion was "nonsense".
In England, the National Health Service (NHS) together with leading physicians and nutritionists have long advised people to drink about 1.2 liters of water per day to maintain health.
However, a recent report written in the British Medical Journal explains that the threat of dehydration is a 'myth' and said that so far there is no evidence behind the claim that drinking lots of water can prevent some health problems.
A doctor in Glasgow, Margaret McCartney, the journal said that the recommendation within the NHS website in order to drink six to eight glasses a day is not just a nonsense, but also embarrassing.
He added that the benefits of drinking lots of water is often exaggerated and carrying interest, for example, from bottled water companies.

7 Sports that Make Sexy

Do not underestimate the benefits of exercise to enhance sexual arousal know. Exercise done regularly will improve your mood, create more smoldering passion, and thus burn more calories so you are confident when showing off your body in front of the couple.
If the above reasons are still not making you intend to exercise, may be "sports section" worth a try because it can make you act more "hot" when in bed.
"Sports section will make us more attuned to the body with a sensual way, so we feel more accepting and interested in sex," said Marianne Brandon, PhD, clinical psychologist and sex therapist from the U.S..
Here is how to burn calories by way of "sexy":
1. Salsa Dance
Do not hesitate to go down to the dance floor and dance salsa. Performing salsa dance for 30 minutes is enough to burn 200 calories. Nothing wrong to invite couples to practice together. Sensual movements in this dance will certainly make you and your partner can not wait for night time.
2. "Pole dancing"
Dancing on the pole (pole dancing) is now not only for the erotic dancers. In the center-pole dance fitness center has been modified into one of the variants aerobics. Although his movements a bit erotic, actual movements in the pole dancing is very effective to strengthen muscles. Pole dancing is also often recommended Brandon to female patients who are experiencing decreased libido.

Hugs and Kisses More Important for Men?

It's no secret when men want sex more often, whereas women prefer to be stroked or cuddled. However, a recent study suggests that stereotypes may have changed.
The Adam was also needed caresses and kisses. Hugs and kisses, according to an international survey initiated by sociologists from the Kinsey Institute of Indiana University, even more important in determining the happiness of men than women.
The survey involved more than 1,000 couples in five countries, namely USA, Germany, Spain, Brazil, and Japan. Respondents who are involved are those aged between 40 and 70 years.
All couples who are the object of this research have been living together for at least a year at the time of the survey. However, the average of them had lived together for 25 years.
Research shows that the longer a relationship is established, the partner said the happy and enjoying their sex lives. But for the Eve, the longer bound in a relationship, they are increasingly able to enjoy better sex.

Child Impact of Sleep Deprivation

Children who often have difficulty in receiving lessons in school or concentrate his task is often misunderstood form of conduct disorder is difficult to concentrate or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).But actually if observed further, many children are difficult to concentrate due to lack of time your child rest or sleep. This is often not realized by the parents.Sleep disorders in children could prove to affect the entire family. School age children need at least 10-12 hours of sleep per day. Homework, sports, after-school activities, TV, computers, and video games and busy parents can contribute to the lack of sleep for children.A recent study has shown the impact of a child is sleep deprived. Among them are easily tired during the day, difficulty in concentration, irritability and frustration, and difficulty modulating impulses and emotions. Here is a wide range of effects caused by sleep-deprived child:
Sleeping in class. This is such a natural that if a child less sleep at night, as a result he would sleep in class the next day. This impacted on the loss of information provided by the teacher and may only listen half-heartedly. Children will not feel fresh and energetic.
Lack of concentration. Lack of sleep will cause fatigue in children and he can not focus well on subjects that are important.