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Five Important Beauty Tips For Women

Beauty Tips: Five Important Beauty Tips For Women

Beauty does not necessarily come from the usage of expensive cosmetics and skin treatments. You can use these easy to follow beauty tips and bring out your natural beauty with the help of these excellent beauty tips which will allow you to look stunning!

Get enough sleep:
8 hours of sleep every night is a must. The body needs this time period for the production and regeneration of many substances which cannot take place otherwise. Ample amount of sleep every night will also prevent the formation of dark circles or eye bags, which in some cases cannot be concealed even with the help of makeup. The key to looking fresh and healthy is as simple as getting a good night’s sleep.

Drink plenty of water:
For a healthy, glowing skin you must drink plenty of water. Drinking eight glasses of water daily can give you a perfect, flawless skin which will not require any artificial beauty enhancement.

How to get rid of a Mucocele

How to get rid of a Mucocele

Mucoceles are oral swellings that occur in the mouth or tiny sacs under the tongue. Main reason for Mucocele is salivary gland gets blocked and saliva is unable to flow smoothly.
Home Treatment For Mucocele:

Most of time, Mucocele will disappear by itself and you don’t have to do anything to treat it. But sometimes it last longer and cause very discomfort for eating normally and you may have to treat it or do something.

People usually opt for surgery to treat bad Mucocele but here are some tips that you can use to get rid of Mucocele and if problem still persist, consult your physician.
  • Apply some honey where Mucocele appears. It will give you some relief.
  • Take some salt and gargle with it couple times a day. People report Mucocele completely gone using salt.
  • Even using caster oil at night time helps.
  • Put some alum for 10 minutes and use mouth wash afterwards. Repeat this process couple of times.

Again, these are simple home remedy that you can try quick to remove any discomfort and Mucocele .

If you had Mucocele and used any natural treatment to get rid of it, please let our visitor know about it and post it here.

Home Remedies for Flatulence

Natural Home Remedy For Flatulence, Gas and Constipation

If you are experiencing flatulence it can be the result of many things. First and foremost it is a natural way for your body to relieve itself from any gases which are built up in your GI tract. If you drink certain things or eat certain foods it can create large gaseous build ups in your tract. When you body consumes food it takes from it the nutrients that it needs and then disposes of anything else. The toxins left are what come out once your body processes the food. When you pass these toxins you pass them in solid form or you pass them in gas form.

The biggest reason that you have flatulence is because of a problem associated with your GI tract and your digestive system. If your body is unable to properly digest the food you eat then you will get bloated during the body’s attempt at digestion and you will fart. If you are stressed, your flatulence will get worse because your body will be unable to properly digest its food.

In order to find the best home remedies for flatulence, you must first consider what you eat and drink and begin to reduce that. Again, the biggest cause of flatulence is digestion. When your body attempts to digest food, it will take from the food and drink you consume the nutrients you need for your body, such as vitamins and antioxidants, and then it will expel the rest. When your body expels the rests, it is getting rid of toxins. The toxins must come out of your body in one way or another otherwise they will make you very sick. If you consume foods such as legumes, beans, or fermented foods you will fart a lot. By reducing your intake of these you can reduce your levels of flatulence.

Makanan Berwarna Hitam Melindungi Tubuh dari Penyakit

Makanan-makanan berwarna hitam yang baik untuk kesehatan

Asupan makanan seimbang yang menyehatkan disarankan untuk memakan makanan berbagai warna. Tapi bagaimana dengan makanan yang berwarna hitam? Makanan berwarna hitam diakui sebagai makanan super karena tingginya kandungan antioksidan yang melindungi tubuh dari sejumlah penyakit, termasuk penyakit jantung dan kanker.

Umumnya makin kaya warna buah atau sayuran, makin besar dosis zat bergizinya untuk melawan kanker dan penyakit lainnya. Anda masih harus makan buah dan sayuran yang cerah seperti kentang ungu, delima merah, dan pepaya oranye, tetapi menambahkan makanan bewarna hitam bernutrisi juga dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan dengan cara yang tak terduga.

Makanan-makanan berwarna hitam yang baik untuk kesehatan seperti dilansir, Rabu (14/9/2011), antara lain;

Cek Matanya, Jika Prestasi Anak di Sekolah Menurun

Jika Prestasi Anak di Sekolah Menurun

Hampir sekitar 80 persen hal-hal yang dipelajari anak diperoleh melalui penglihatan, dan studi menunjukkan 70 persen dari 2 juta anak usia sekolah mengalami kesulitan membaca karena mengalami gangguan penglihatan seperti ocular motor, gangguan persepsi atau gangguan binocular.

"Jika seorang anak harus berjuang di sekolahnya ketika belajar, maka hal yang penting bagi orangtua adalah memperhatikan penglihatannya," jar Dr Joel Zaba, seorang peneliti dan dokter mata, seperti dikutip dari Medicinenet, Rabu (14/9/2011).

Dr Zaba menuturkan memang ada beberapa hal yang bisa membuat prestasi akademis anak di sekolah tidak baik, tapi adanya gangguan pada penglihatan bisa memberikan dampak yang besar bagi anak.

Great Laser Eye Surgery Links

For More Information, Start with These Sources:

The FDA's site on Laser Eye Surgery is a good starting point for learning more about laser eye surgery.
The Eye Surgery Education Council has one of the best most informative sites covering the ins and outs of laser eye surgery, with a strong emphasis on the popular Lasik procedure.
“The Complete Book of Laser Eye Surgery" by Stephen G., M.D. Slade, Richard N. Baker, Dorothy Brockman is also a comprehensive reference work to laser eye surgery and is available on Amazon.
"LASIK: A Guide to Laser Vision Correction" by Ernest Kornmehl also has good suggestions on picking a doctor, as well as other sections on the various aspects of this form of surgery.
MedLine Plus and Mayo Clinic are good, all-purpose net-based medical guides that have useful, informative entries on laser eye surgeries.

Preparing for Laser Eye Surgery

Okay. Let's say you've been referred to a great doctor. You've saved your money and/or picked a great payment plan. Now what? What can you expect? What will the actual procedure be like?

Weeks Before Surgery

Of course, before you have your surgery, you'll have your initial evaluation by your doctor to determine if you're a good candidate for laser eye surgery and to discuss your options. If you wear contacts, it's a good idea to stop wearing them a few weeks before you first go see your doctor. Contacts change the shape of your cornea, and your doctor will have to examine the shape of your cornea to come up with a good surgical plan. Wear your glasses instead in the weeks leading up to your first visit. Stop wearing soft contacts two weeks before your first visit, gas permeable lenses three weeks, and hard lenses four weeks. 
During the visit, be prepared to tell your doctor about your medical history and any allergies you may have. If you're not sure, look it up before you go so you'll have that information on hand and not waste more time. Your doctor will give you a thorough eye exam. She'll also discuss the risks and benefits of the surgery and which of the various corrective surgeries is best suited for your sort of problem. This is also your time to ask any questions you have. Make sure any questions you have are answered before surgery and before signing consent forms.

Picking a Doctor for Laser Eye Surgery

As we said before, they're your eyes so picking a good doctor is important. But how to do it? Although there's not doctor out there who is ever 100 percent perfect, there are a few things to keep in mind that can help you sort the wheat from the chaff.
Be wary of slick advertising. Don't be taken in by a great-looking brochure. A great deal of competition for laser eye surgery patients means a great deal of advertising: newspapers, radios, mailings, you name it. “No interest! No money down! Lowest prices ever!” (Are these your eyes, or a used Honda Civic they're talking about?) Of course, good doctors advertise, too, but an ad should not be your starting (or ending!) point in picking a place to have your procedure done. 
  • Be cautious of any doctor or eye center that makes loads of fabulous-sounding promises, without informing you adequately about the risks and drawbacks. “20/20 Vision... Guaranteed!” There are no guarantees in any surgical procedure. And a doctor who doesn't talk with you  about the risks and drawbacks isn't being upfront.
  • Get a referral. Your regular ophthalmologist, optometrist or even your general practitioner probably has the names of the best eye surgeons in your area. This is one of your greatest resources. Do not pass it up.

Is Laser Eye Surgery Right For Me?

The American Eye Surgery Education Council, a professional society of ophthalmologists, has developed a list of medically accepted criteria to determine the ideal, less-than-ideal and unsuitable candidates for laser eye surgery.
Here is a chart to help you understand if laser eye surgery is right for you:
Profile Characteristics
Ideal candidate
  • Is at least 18 years old
  • Is afflicted by one of the refractive errors (myopia, hyperobia, astigmatism or a combination). The ideal candidate has myopia up to -12 D, astigmatism up to 6 D and hyperopia up to +6 D
  • Has worn glasses or contacts for at least two years
  • In the case of Lasik, has a sufficiently thick cornea for the surgeon to cut a flap
  • Does not suffer from any disease or health condition which would prevent or significantly slow the healing process or complicate surgery
  • Is adequately informed about the risks of laser eye surgery.

Benefits and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery


According to the Mayo Clinic, about 85 percent of people who've undergone refractive surgery no longer need to depend on their glasses or contact lenses most of the time. People with a low grade of nearsightedness tend to have the most success, and people with a high degree of farsightedness along with astigmatism have the least predictable results. 
The results you get, of course, will depend on the nature and degree of your vision problems going into surgery and the quality of the work your doctor does.

Risks and Complications

We're all well-acquainted with the touted benefits of corrective surgery, but what about what the ads don't necessarily tell you? What are the risks associated with laser eye surgery? Any surgical procedure carries with it a certain amount of risk, and laser eye surgery is no different.
Some of the risks of undergoing such procedures include: